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Technology Integration Integrate your technology solutions fully


Most enterprises have implemented technology solutions progressively and individually. Rarely do they fully integrate them or leverage their most powerful features.

This is akin to paying for first class to fly coach. You still get ther, but the experience is difference; and your books will show that.


From discovery to launch and then into sustainment, we integrate ERP with CRM, BI and other enterprise solutions. We implement solutions with business operations in mind, groom them to your processes and ensure your business goals drive every implementation choice.

The sad reality of buying technology solutions is that most enterprises rush to implement their most basic forms; and then forget to revisit their configuration. Passing data from your CRM to your ERP is NOT the same as "integrating them".When properly integrating new technology don't forget to account for training and adoption by your talent pool.


Process Improvement

Process ImprovementAnalize and inventory your processes

Most enterprises have implemented processes progressively and individually. When another process is created, it is "bolted on" to the previous population; adjusting to what has already been implemented.

This perpetuates prior inefficiencies and automates them, so they happen more quickly and frequently.


After an external audit, periodically, in relation to an M&A activity, or because an immediate turnaround is needed; we help enterprises optimize the alignment of their technology tools and business processes to increase productivity and achieve corporate goals.

When you inventory your processes, you are likely to find duplicative or contradicting  steps that are robbing your of efficiency and costing you money.With an inventory in hand, you can modularize your departmental processes and integrate them in enterprise-wide fashion with your technology and other tools.




Talent OptimizationAugment and cultivate your talent poolYour greatest asset (as your corporate presentation says) is your talent pool. Staffing up while setting up new or changing technology or processes is extremely difficult and fraught.

No team wants to work 60 hours every week. It will result in increased operational cost and will reflect in the quality of your work - and your brand.


We augment your business operations teams. Whether for business elasticity or as a gap-filler when you have personnel in transition, our SMEs can run with the team for a season and keep the business humming while you find the ideal permanent candidate.

Most organizations are so busy that rarely do teams truly collaborate and know what the others are doing. In fact, they are so busy that very few have time to train and improve on their trade skills and knowledge. Augmenting your team with "pro" 1099s will give your teams breathing room to get more done; better. It will also help your organization get to your desired level of performance faster.


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